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Scaling Up para «tontos»

When it comes to scaling a business, suddenly everyone becomes an expert. Many people claim to know exactly how to grow a company, even if they have never launched a business or read much about the subject. Unsurprisingly, the world of Franchising is no exception to this curious phenomenon.

The risk with so-called experts and those who rely solely on instinct is not only the money left on the table but also the time bombs planted along the way. Due to their delayed effect, these problems often go unnoticed at the time decisions are made. By the time they become evident, it is usually too late.

It’s true that if you pay peanuts, you’ll get monkeys. However, sometimes the roles are reversed. There are also founders and business owners who, despite hiring top experts, refuse to listen to those who have faced similar situations hundreds of times. This can be incredibly frustrating.

Here are 10 simple and practical ideas—do’s and don’ts—to consider for your expansion strategy:

  • A roadmap is literally a path. Follow it and avoid improvising.
  • A master franchise license may be a convenient right, but it’s not the only option.
  • The best internationalization strategy is rarely starting with a neighboring country.
  • If you can’t delegate, you can’t lead. If your business depends solely on you, it’s not a real business.
  • The Franchising is a people business. If you lack empathy, look for another path.
  • Negotiation is not just about being "street-smart." Cultural intelligence can be learned through study.
  • What costs nothing is often undervalued—never underestimate the power of the franchise fee..
  • The business mode will always be more important than the brand’s fame. Always.
  • Businesses succeed not because of their founders, but despite them. Read that again.
  • In an international expansionprocess, nothing is "obvious." The obvious simply does not exist.

Scaling successfully requires discipline, strategy, and the ability to recognize the value of expert advice. Follow a proven plan, adapt when necessary, and invest in building a scalable business model based on effective leadership and solid operational foundations.


Let's talk about Franchises...

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We are experts in the development and internationalization of franchises, as well as in mergers and acquisitions of business chains.

We are experts in development, internationalization, merger and acquisition of business chains.

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