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GNF Worldwide: Now on every continent!

We are thrilled to announce that GNF Worldwide has officially expanded into Africa! With the launch of our operations in Casablanca, Morocco, we are establishing the city as Africa’s new franchise hub and the gateway to franchising success across the continent.

We also take this opportunity to congratulate Mohamed Elfane, CEO of the Fédération Marocaine de la Franchise (FMF), on his new role as Associate Director for Morocco at GNF Worldwide. His leadership, alongside Jamila Rezgani, Vice President of the FMF, and M. Hassan Berkani, President of the Chamber of Commerce, Industry, and Services of Casablanca-Settat, is driving the future of franchising in the region.

This milestone was announced during Franchise Exhibition Morocco 2025, a key industry event that reaffirmed Morocco’s potential as a thriving market for franchise expansion.

Is your brand ready to enter Africa?

With Morocco positioning itself as a strategic entry point, now is the time to explore new market opportunities. Our team is ready to guide you through a successful expansion.


Let's talk about Franchises...

Schedule a free consultation with us. Email us right now to book your appointment! Our team of experts will be happy to help you achieve your goals and achieve the success you seek. Let us begin!

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We are experts in the development and internationalization of franchises, as well as in mergers and acquisitions of business chains.

We are experts in development, internationalization, merger and acquisition of business chains.

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