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Growing is not easy, fast, or cheap. And it is not as obvious as we think. If we ask a room full of people how many want to grow their business, probably everyone present will raise their hand. But this does not mean anything.

Half of them, perhaps, will not pursue a professional process to scale their business due to a resource issue - growing, even with third parties, requires investment. Not choosing to grow when our company does not have the liquidity to do so, whether organically or inorganically, is certainly the responsible thing to do. Of the other half, 50% simply will not have confidence in the ability of their business to scale or in their own ability to lead such a process and trying to convince them will not only be costly in terms of time, but will end up being a headache for everyone. If an entrepreneur or businessman does not believe in himself, it is better to stay away. And finally, the other half of the 50% of the audience, that is, 25% of the total, will have to dispel certain fears, at best, or overcome others, at worst.

Now, there is nothing wrong with being afraid when it corresponds to ignorance about a specific process or dynamic. It dissipates. Being afraid hinders growth when its root is in the ego - here, the "ugly." It is not, then, about discovering how to do something or learning from those who know more, but about the notion that no one can do something as well as oneself - something as improbable as it is absurd. Let us learn to understand the real and imaginary barriers to growth, both those of others and our own. We will save ourselves a lot of time, money and headaches.


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We are experts in the development and internationalization of franchises, as well as in mergers and acquisitions of business chains.

We are experts in development, internationalization, merger and acquisition of business chains.

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