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Don't Miss Out: Dive into Expert Discussions on Franchising, Strategy, and IP!

We are thrilled to share a compilation of our most recent webinars. These events have been an invaluable source of information and insights on business strategy, franchising, intellectual property, and more. Whether you missed them initially or not, here they are for you to enjoy!

Webinar: Spain & UAE - Strategic and Legal Q&A

WEBINAR: Franchising & IP Strategy in Europe - Bird & Bird and GNF

The Future of Franchising in Saudi Arabia 🇸🇦 | Webinar with GNF Worldwide

The Future of Franchising in China | Webinar with Fernando López de Castilla and Peter Pang


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Somos expertos en desarrollo e internacionalización de franquicias, así como en fusiones y adquisiciones de cadenas de negocios.

Somos expertos en desarrollo, internacionalización, fusión y adquisición de cadenas de negocios.
